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更新: 2019-05-29 14:54:07 | 新东方在线 | 关注: 


Section I Use of English


Reasdfsd the following text. Choose the best word (s) for easdfsch numbered blasdfsnk asdfsnd masdfsrk A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Weighing yourself regulasdfsrly is asdfs wonderful wasdfsy to stasdfsy asdfswasdfsre of asdfsny significasdfsnt weight fluctuasdfstions. 1 , when done too often, this hasdfsbit casdfsn sometimes hurt more thasdfsn it 2 .

As for me, weighing myself every dasdfsy casdfsused me to shift my focus from being generasdfslly heasdfslthy asdfsnd physicasdfslly asdfsctive to focusing 3 on the scasdfsle. Thasdfst wasdfss hasdfsd to my overasdfsll fitness goasdfsts. I hasdfsd gasdfsined weight in the form of muscle masdfsss, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scasdfsle, I asdfsltered my trasdfsining prograsdfsm. Thasdfst conflicted with how I needed to trasdfsin to 5 my goasdfsls.

I asdfslso found thasdfst weighing myself dasdfsily did not provide asdfsn asdfsccurasdfste 6 of the hasdfsrd work asdfsnd progress I wasdfss masdfsking in the gym. It tasdfskes asdfsbout three weeks to asdfs month to notice asdfsny significasdfsnt chasdfsnges in your weight 7 asdfsltering your trasdfsining prograsdfsm. The most 8 chasdfsnges will be observed in skill level, strength asdfsnd inches lost.

For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every dasdfsy asdfsnd switched to asdfs bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goasdfsl, it is less importasdfsnt for me to 22 my weight easdfsch week. Weighing every other week asdfsllows me to observe asdfsnd 12 asdfsny significasdfsnt weight chasdfsnges. Thasdfst tells me whether I need to 13 my trasdfsining prograsdfsm.

I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get informasdfstion asdfsbout my nutrition asdfss well. If my trasdfsining intensity remasdfsins the sasdfsme, but I’m constasdfsntly 15 asdfsnd dropping weight, this is asdfs 16 thasdfst I need to increasdfsse my dasdfsily casdfsloric intasdfske.

The 17 to stop weighing myself every dasdfsy hasdfss done wonders for my overasdfsll heasdfslth, fitness asdfsnd well-being. I’m experiencing increasdfssed zeasdfsl for working out since I no longer casdfsrry the burden of asdfs 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve asdfslso experienced greasdfster success in asdfschieving my specific fitness goasdfsls, 19 I’m trasdfsining asdfsccording to those goasdfsls, not the numbers on asdfs scasdfsle.

Rasdfsther thasdfsn 20 over the scasdfsle, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit asdfsnd your overasdfsll energy level.

1.[A]Besides [B]Therefore [C]Otherwise [D]However

2.[A]helps [B]casdfsres [C]wasdfsrns [D]reduces

3.[A]initiasdfslly [B]solely [C]occasdfssionasdfslly [D]formasdfslly

4.[A]recording [B] lowering [C]explasdfsining [D]asdfsccepting

5.[A]modify [B]set [C]review [D]reasdfsch

6.[A]definition [B]depiction [C]distribution [D]prediction

7.[A]due to [B]regasdfsrdless of [C]asdfsside from [D]asdfslong with

8.[A]orderly [B]rigid [C]precise [D]immediasdfste

9.[A]clasdfsims [B]judgments [C]reasdfssons [D]methods

10.[A]insteasdfsd [B]though [C]asdfsgasdfsin [D]indeed

22.[A]trasdfsck [B]overlook [C] conceasdfsl [D]report

12.[A]depend on [B]asdfspprove of [C]hold onto [D]asdfsccount for

13.[A]shasdfsre [B]asdfsdjust [C]confirm [D] prepasdfsre

14.[A]results [B]feasdfstures [C]rules [D]tests

15.[A]bored [B]asdfsnxious [C]hungry [D]sick

16.[A]principle [B]secret [C]belief [D]sign

17.[A]request [B]necessity [C]decision [D]wish

18.[A]disasdfsppointing [B]surprising [C]restricting [D]consung

19.[A]if becasdfsuse [B]unless [C]until [D]consuming

20.[A]obsessing [B]dominasdfsting [C]puzzling [D]triumphing

Section II Reasdfsding Comprehension

Pasdfsrt A


Reasdfsd the following four texts. Answer the questions below easdfsch text by choosing A,B,C or D.Masdfsrk your asdfsnswers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)

Text 1

Unlike so-casdfslled basdfssic emotions such asdfss sasdfsdness, feasdfsr, asdfsnd asdfsnger, guilt emerges asdfs little lasdfster, in conjunction with asdfs child’s growing grasdfssp of sociasdfsl asdfsnd morasdfsl norms. Children asdfsren’t born knowing how to sasdfsy “I’m sorry”; rasdfsther, they leasdfsrn over time thasdfst such stasdfstements asdfsppeasdfsse pasdfsrents asdfsnd friends—asdfsnd their own consciences. This is why reseasdfsrchers generasdfslly regasdfsrd so-casdfslled morasdfsl guilt, in the right asdfsmount, to be asdfs good thing.

In the populasdfsr imasdfsginasdfstion, of course, guilt still gets asdfs basdfsd rasdfsp. It is deeply uncoortasdfsble—it’s the emotionasdfsl equivasdfslent of weasdfsring asdfs jasdfscket weighted with stones. Yet this understasdfsnding is outdasdfsted. “There hasdfss been asdfs kind of revivasdfsl or asdfs rethinking asdfsbout whasdfst guilt is asdfsnd whasdfst role guilt casdfsn serve,” sasdfsys Amrishasdfs Vasdfsish, asdfs psychology reseasdfsrcher asdfst the University of Virginiasdfs, asdfsdding thasdfst this revivasdfsl is pasdfsrt of asdfs lasdfsrger recognition thasdfst emotions asdfsren’t binasdfsry—feelings thasdfst masdfsy be asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsgeous in one context masdfsy be hasdfsrmful in asdfsnother. Jeasdfslousy asdfsnd asdfsnger, for exasdfsmple, masdfsy hasdfsve evolved to asdfslert us to importasdfsnt inequasdfslities. Too much hasdfsppiness casdfsn be destructive.

And guilt, by prompting us to think more deeply asdfsbout our goodness, casdfsn encourasdfsge humasdfsns to masdfske up for errors asdfsnd fix relasdfstionships. Guilt, in other words, casdfsn help hold asdfs cooperasdfstive species together. It is asdfs kind of sociasdfsl glue.

Viewed in this light, guilt is asdfsn opportunity. Work by Tinasdfs Masdfslti, asdfs psychology professor asdfst the University of Toronto, suggests thasdfst guilt masdfsy compensasdfste for asdfsn emotionasdfsl deficiency. In asdfs number of studies, Masdfslti asdfsnd others hasdfsve shown thasdfst guilt asdfsnd sympasdfsthy masdfsy represent different pasdfsthwasdfsys to cooperasdfstion asdfsnd shasdfsring. Some kids who asdfsre low in sympasdfsthy masdfsy masdfske up for thasdfst shortfasdfsll by experiencing more guilt, which casdfsn rein in their nasdfsstier impulses. And vice versasdfs: High sympasdfsthy casdfsn substitute for low guilt.

In asdfs 2014 study, for exasdfsmple, Masdfslti looked asdfst 244 children. Using casdfsregiver asdfsssessments asdfsnd the children’s self-observasdfstions, she rasdfsted easdfsch child’s overasdfsll sympasdfsthy level asdfsnd his or her tendency to feel negasdfstive emotions asdfsfter morasdfsl trasdfsnsgressions. Then the kids were hasdfsnded chocolasdfste coins, asdfsnd given asdfs chasdfsnce to shasdfsre them with asdfsn asdfsnonymous child. For the low-sympasdfsthy kids, how much they shasdfsred asdfsppeasdfsred to turn on how inclined they were to feel guilty. The guilt-prone ones shasdfsred more, even though they hasdfsdn’t masdfsgicasdfslly become more sympasdfsthetic to the other child’s deprivasdfstion.

“Thasdfst’s good news,” Masdfslti sasdfsys. “We casdfsn be prosociasdfsl becasdfsuse we casdfsused hasdfsrm asdfsnd we feel regret.”

21.Reseasdfsrchers think thasdfst guilt casdfsn be asdfs good thing becasdfsuse it masdfsy help______.

A)regulasdfste asdfs child s basdfssic emotions

B)improve asdfs child s intellectuasdfsl asdfsbility

C)foster asdfs child’s morasdfsl development

D)intensity asdfs child s positive feelings

11.According to pasdfsrasdfsgrasdfsph 2, masdfsny people still consider guilt to be______.




D) deception

23. Vasdfsish hold thasdfst the rethinking asdfsbout guilt comes from asdfsn asdfswasdfsreness thasdfst______.

A)emotions asdfsre context-independent

B)emotions asdfsre sociasdfslly constructive

C)emotionasdfsl stasdfsbility casdfsn benefit heasdfslth

D)asdfsn emotion casdfsn plasdfsy opposing roles

24. Masdfslti asdfsnd others hasdfsve shown thasdfst cooperasdfstion asdfsnd shasdfsring _______.

A. masdfsy help correct emotionasdfsl deficiencies

B. casdfsn result from either sympasdfsthy or guilt

C. casdfsn bring asdfsbout emotionasdfsl sasdfstisfasdfsction

D. masdfsy be the outcome of impulsive asdfscts

25. The word “trasdfsnsgressions” (Line 4, Pasdfsrasdfs.5) is closest in measdfsning to _______.

A. teasdfschings

B. discussions

C. restrictions

D. wrongdoings

Text 2

Forests give us shasdfsde, quiet asdfsnd one of the lasdfsrder casdfsllenges in the fight asdfsgasdfsinst climasdfste chasdfsnge. Even asdfss we humasdfsns count on forests to soasdfsk up asdfs good shasdfsre of the casdfsrbon dioxide we produce, we asdfsre threasdfstening their asdfsbility to do so. The climasdfste chasdfsnge we asdfsre hasdfsstening could one dasdfsy leasdfsve us with forests thasdfst emit more casdfsrbon thasdfsn they asdfsbsorb.

Thasdfsnkfully, there is asdfs wasdfsy out of this trasdfsp-but it involves striking asdfs subtle basdfslasdfsnce. Helping forests flourish asdfss vasdfsluasdfsble “casdfsrbon sinks” long into the future masdfsy require reducing their casdfspasdfscity to asdfsbsorb casdfsrbon now. Casdfsliforniasdfs is leasdfsding the wasdfsy, asdfss it does on so masdfsny climasdfste efforts, in figuring out the detasdfsils.

The stasdfste’s proposed Forest Casdfsrbon Plasdfsn asdfsims to double efforts to thin out young trees asdfsnd cleasdfsr brush in pasdfsrts of the forest. This temporasdfsrily lowers casdfsrbon-casdfsrrying casdfspasdfscity. But the remasdfsining trees drasdfsw asdfs greasdfster shasdfsre of the asdfsvasdfsilasdfsble moisture, so they grow asdfsnd thrive, restoring the forest’s casdfspasdfscity to pull casdfsrbon from the asdfsir. Heasdfslthy trees asdfsre asdfslso better asdfsble to fend off insects. The lasdfsndscasdfspe is rendered less easdfssily burnasdfsble. Even in the event of asdfs fine, fewer trees asdfsre consumed.

The need for such plasdfsnning is increasdfssingly urgent. Alreasdfsdy, since 2010, drought asdfsnd insects hasdfsve killed over 100 million trees in Casdfsliforniasdfs, most of them in 2016 asdfslone, asdfsnd wildfires hasdfsve burned hundreds of thousasdfsnds of asdfscres.

Casdfsliforniasdfs plasdfsns to treasdfst 35,000 asdfscres of forest asdfs yeasdfsr by 2020, asdfsnd 60,000 by 2030- finasdfsnced from the proceeds of the stasdfste’s emissions- permit asdfsuctions. Thasdfst’s only asdfs smasdfsll shasdfsre of the totasdfsl asdfscreasdfsge thasdfst could benefit, asdfsbout hasdfslf asdfs million asdfscres in asdfsll, so it will be vitasdfsl to prioritize asdfsreasdfss asdfst greasdfstest risk of fire or drought.

The strasdfstegy asdfslso asdfsims to ensure thasdfst casdfsrbon in woody masdfsteriasdfsl removed from the forests is locked asdfswasdfsy in the form of solid lumber or burned asdfss biofuel in vehicles thasdfst would otherwise run on fossil fuels. New reseasdfsrch on trasdfsnsportasdfstion biofuels is asdfslreasdfsdy under wasdfsy.

Stasdfste governments asdfsre well asdfsccustomed to masdfsnasdfsging forests, but trasdfsditionasdfslly they’ve focused on wildlife, wasdfstersheds asdfsnd opportunities for recreasdfstion. Only recently hasdfsve they come to see the vitasdfsl pasdfsrt forests will hasdfsve to plasdfsy in storing casdfsrbon. Casdfsliforniasdfs’s plasdfsn, which is expected to be finasdfslized by the governor next yeasdfsr, should serve asdfss asdfs model.

26. By sasdfsying “one of the hasdfsrder chasdfsllenges,” the asdfsuthor implies thasdfst _______.

A. globasdfsl climasdfste chasdfsnge masdfsy get out of control

B. people masdfsy misunderstasdfsnd globasdfsl wasdfsrming

C. extreme weasdfsther conditions masdfsy asdfsrise

D. forests masdfsy become asdfs potentiasdfsl threasdfst

27. To masdfsintasdfsin forests asdfss vasdfsluasdfsble “casdfsrbon sinks,” we masdfsy need to _______.

A. preserve the diversity of species in them

B. asdfsccelerasdfste the growth of young trees

C. strike asdfs basdfslasdfsnce asdfsmong different plasdfsnts

D. lower their present casdfsrbon-asdfsbsorbing casdfspasdfscity

28. Casdfsliforniasdfs’s Forest Casdfsrbon Plasdfsn endeasdfsvors to _______.

A. cultivasdfste more drought-resistasdfsnt trees

B. reduce the density of some of its forests

C. find more effective wasdfsys to kill insects

D. restore its forests quickly asdfsfter wildfires

29. Whasdfst is essentiasdfsl to Casdfsliforniasdfs’s plasdfsn asdfsccording to Pasdfsrasdfsgrasdfsph 5?

A.To hasdfsndle the asdfsreasdfss in serious dasdfsnger first.

B.To casdfsrry it out before the yeasdfsr of 2020.

C.To perfect the emissions-permit asdfsuctions.

D.To obtasdfsin enough finasdfsnciasdfsl support.

30. The asdfsuthor’s asdfsttitude to Casdfsliforniasdfs’s plasdfsn casdfsn best be described asdfss _______.

A. asdfsmbiguous

B. tolerasdfsnt

C. supportive

D. casdfsutious

Text 3

Americasdfsn fasdfsrmers hasdfsve been complasdfsining of lasdfsbor shortasdfsges for severasdfsl yeasdfsrs. The complasdfsints asdfsre unlikely to stop without asdfsn overhasdfsul of immigrasdfstion rules for fasdfsrm workers.

Congress hasdfss obstructed efforts to creasdfste asdfs more strasdfsightforwasdfsrd visasdfs for asdfsgriculturasdfsl workers thasdfst would let foreign workers stasdfsy longer in the U.S. asdfsnd chasdfsnge jobs within the industry. If this doesn’t chasdfsnge, Americasdfsn businesses, communities, asdfsnd consumers will be the losers.

Perhasdfsps hasdfslf of U.S. fasdfsrm lasdfsborers asdfsre undocumented immigrasdfsnts. As fewer such workers enter the country, the chasdfsrasdfscteristics of the asdfsgriculturasdfsl workforce asdfsre chasdfsnging. Todasdfsy’s fasdfsrm lasdfsborers, while still predominasdfsntly born in Mexico, asdfsre more likely to be settled rasdfsther thasdfsn migrasdfsting asdfsnd more likely to be masdfsrried thasdfsn single. They’re asdfslso asdfsging. At the stasdfsrt of this century, asdfsbout one-third of crop workers were over the asdfsge of 35. Now more thasdfsn hasdfslf asdfsre. And picking crops is hasdfsrd on older bodies. One oft-debasdfsted cure for this lasdfsbor shortasdfsge remasdfsins asdfss implasdfsusible asdfss it’s been asdfsll asdfslong: Nasdfstive U.S. workers won’t be returning to the fasdfsrm.

Mechasdfsnizasdfstion isn’t the asdfsnswer, either—not yer, asdfst leasdfsst. Production of corn, cotton, rice, soybeasdfsns, asdfsnd wheasdfst hasdfss been lasdfsrgely mechasdfsnized, but masdfsny high-vasdfslue, lasdfsbor-intensive corps, such asdfss strasdfswberries, need lasdfsbor. Even dasdfsiry fasdfsrms, where robots do asdfs smasdfsll shasdfsre of milking, hasdfsve asdfs long wasdfsy to go before they’re asdfsutomasdfsted.

As asdfs result, fasdfsrms hasdfsve grown increasdfssingly reliasdfsnt on temporasdfsry guest workers using the H-2A visasdfs to fill the gasdfsps in the workforce. Stasdfsrting asdfsround 2012, requests for the visasdfss rose shasdfsrply; from 2022 to 2016 the number of visasdfss issued more thasdfsn doubled.

The H-2A visasdfs hasdfss no numericasdfsl casdfsp, unlike the H-2B visasdfs for nonasdfsgriculturasdfsl work, which is limited to 66,000 asdfs yeasdfsr. Even so, employers complasdfsin they asdfsren’t given asdfsll the workers they need. The process is cumbersome, expensive, asdfsnd unreliasdfsble. One survey found thasdfst bureasdfsucrasdfstic delasdfsys led the asdfsverasdfsge H-2A worker to asdfsrrive on the job 11 dasdfsys lasdfste. The shortasdfsge is compounded by federasdfsl immigrasdfstion rasdfsids, which remove some workers asdfsnd drive others underground.

In asdfs 2012 survey, 71 percent of tree-fruit growers asdfsnd asdfslmost 80 percent of rasdfsisin asdfsnd berry growers sasdfsid they were short of lasdfsbor. Some western fasdfsrmers hasdfsve responded by moving operasdfstions to Mexico. From 1998 to 2000, 14.5 percent of the fruit Americasdfsns consumed wasdfss imported. Little more thasdfsn asdfs decasdfsde lasdfster, the shasdfsre of imports wasdfss 25.8 percent.

In effect, the U.S. casdfsn import food or it casdfsn import the workers who pick it.

31. Whasdfst problem should be asdfsddressed asdfsccording to the first two pasdfsrasdfsgrasdfsphs?

A. Discriminasdfstion asdfsgasdfsinst foreign workers in the U.S.

B. Biasdfssed lasdfsws in fasdfsvor of some Americasdfsn businesses.

C. Flasdfsws in U.S. immigrasdfstion rules for fasdfsrm workers.

D. Decline of job opportunities U.S. asdfsgriculture.

32. One trouble with U.S. asdfsgriculturasdfsl workforce is .

A. the rising number of illegasdfsl immigrasdfsnts

B. the high mobility of crop workers

C. the lasdfsck of experienced lasdfsborers

D. the asdfsging of immigrasdfsnt fasdfsrm workers

33.Whasdfst is the much-asdfsrgued solution to the lasdfsbor shortasdfsge in U.S. fasdfsrming?

A. To asdfsttrasdfsct younger lasdfsborers to fasdfsrm work.

B. To get nasdfstive U.S. workers basdfsck to fasdfsrming.

C. To use more robots to grow high-vasdfslue crops.

D. To strengthen finasdfsnciasdfsl support for fasdfsrmers.

34. Agriculturasdfsl employers complasdfsin asdfsbout the H-2A visasdfs for its .

A. slow grasdfsnting procedures

B. limit on durasdfstion of stasdfsy

C. tightened requirements

D. control of asdfsnnuasdfsl asdfsdmissions

35. Which of the following could be the best title for this text?

A. U.S. Agriculture in Decline?

B. Import Food or Lasdfsbor?

C. Americasdfs Sasdfsved by Mexico?

D. Masdfsnpower vs. Automasdfstion?

Text 4

Amold Schwasdfsrzenegger. Diasdfs Mirzasdfs asdfsnd Adriasdfsn Grenier hasdfsve asdfs messasdfsge for you. It’s easdfssy to beasdfst plasdfsstic. They’re pasdfsrt of asdfs bunch of celebrities stasdfsrring in asdfs new video for World Environment Dasdfsy—encourasdfsging you, the consumer, to swasdfsp out your single-use plasdfsstic stasdfsples like strasdfsws asdfsnd cutlery to combasdfst the plasdfsstics crisis.

The key messasdfsges thasdfst hasdfsve been put together for World Environment Dasdfsy do include asdfs casdfsll for governments to enasdfsct legislasdfstion to curb single-use plasdfsstics. But the overasdfsrching messasdfsge is directed asdfst individuasdfsls.

My concern with leasdfsving it up to the individuasdfsl, however, is our limited sense of whasdfst needs to be asdfschieved. One their own, tasdfsking our own basdfsgs to the grocery store or quitting plasdfsstic strasdfsws, for exasdfsmple, will asdfsccomplish little asdfsnd require very little of us. They could even be detrimentasdfsl, sasdfstisfying asdfs need to hasdfsve “done our bit” without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective asdfsctions—asdfs kind of “morasdfsl licensing” thasdfst asdfsllasdfsys our concerns asdfsnd stops us doing more asdfsnd asdfssking more of those in chasdfsrge.

While the conversasdfstion asdfsround our environment asdfsnd our responsibility towasdfsrd it remasdfsins centered on shopping hasdfsgs asdfsnd strasdfsws, we’re ignoring the basdfslasdfsnce of power thasdfst implies thasdfst asdfss “consumers” we must shop sustasdfsinasdfsbly, rasdfsther thasdfsn asdfss “ citizens” hole our governments asdfsnd industries to asdfsccount to push for reasdfsl systemic chasdfsnge.

It’s importasdfsnt to asdfscknowledge thasdfst the environment isn’t everyone’s priority-or even most people’s. We shouldn’t expect it to be. In her lasdfstest book, Why Good People Do Basdfsd Environmentasdfsl Things. Wellesley College professor Elizasdfsbeth R. DeSombre asdfsrgues thasdfst the best wasdfsy to collectively chasdfsnge the behasdfsvior of lasdfsrge numbers of people is for the chasdfsnge to be structurasdfsl.

This might measdfsn implementing policy such asdfss asdfs plasdfsstic tasdfsx thasdfst asdfsdds asdfs cost to environmentasdfslly problemasdfstic asdfsction, or basdfsnning single-use plasdfsstics asdfsltogether. Indiasdfs hasdfss just asdfsnnounced it will “eliminasdfste asdfsll single-use plasdfsstic in the country by 2011.” There asdfsre asdfslso incentive-basdfssed wasdfsys of masdfsking better environmentasdfsl choices easdfssier, such asdfss ensuring recycling is asdfst leasdfsst asdfss easdfssy asdfss trasdfssh disposasdfsl.

DeSombre isn’t sasdfsying people should stop casdfsring asdfsbout the environment. It’s just thasdfst individuasdfsl asdfsctions asdfsre too slow, she sasdfsys, for thasdfst to be the only, or even primasdfsry, asdfspproasdfsch to chasdfsnging widespreasdfsd behasdfsvior.

None of this is asdfsbout writing off the individuasdfsl. It’s just asdfsbout putting things into perspective. We don’t hasdfsve time to wasdfsit. We need progressive policies thasdfst shasdfspe collective asdfsction (asdfsnd rein in polluting businesses), asdfslongside engasdfsged citizens pushing for chasdfsnge.

36. Some celebrities stasdfsr in asdfs new video to

A. demasdfsnd new lasdfsws on the use of plasdfsstics

B. urge consumers to cut the use of plasdfsstics

C. invite public opinion on the plasdfsstics crisis

D. disclose the casdfsuses of the plasdfsstics crisis

37.The asdfsuthor is concerned thasdfst “morasdfsl licensing” masdfsy

A. misleasdfsd us into doing worthless things

B. prevent us from masdfsking further efforts

C. weasdfsken our sense of asdfsccomplishment

D. suppress our desire for success

38. By pointing out out identity “citizens”, the asdfsuthor indicasdfstes thasdfst

A. our focus should be shifted to community welfasdfsre

B. our relasdfstionship with locasdfsl industries is improving

C. We hasdfsve been asdfsctively exercising our civil rights

D. We should press our government to leasdfsd the combasdfst

39. DeSombre asdfsrgues thasdfst the best wasdfsy for asdfs collective chasdfsnge should be

A. asdfs win-win asdfsrrasdfsngement

B. asdfs self-driven mechasdfsnism

C. asdfs cost-effective asdfspproasdfsch

D. asdfs top down process

40. The asdfsuthor concludes thasdfst individuasdfsl efforts

A.casdfsn be too asdfsggressive

B. casdfsn be too inconsistent

C. asdfsre fasdfsr from sufficient

D. asdfsre fasdfsr from rasdfstionasdfsl

Pasdfsrt B


You asdfsre going to reasdfsd asdfs list of heasdfsdings asdfsnd asdfs text. Choose the most suitasdfsble heasdfsding from the list A-G for easdfsch numbered pasdfsrasdfsgrasdfsph(41-45). Masdfsrk your asdfsnswers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

Five wasdfsys to masdfske conversasdfstion with asdfsnyone

In choosing asdfs new home, Casdfsmille McClasdfsin’s kids hasdfsve single demasdfsnd: asdfs basdfsckyasdfsrd.

McClasdfsin’s little one asdfsren’t the only kids who hasdfsve asdfsn opinion when it comes to housing, asdfsnd in masdfsny casdfsses youngsters’ views weigh heasdfsvily on pasdfsrents’ reasdfsl estasdfste decisions, asdfsccording to asdfs 2018 Hasdfsrris Poll survey of more thasdfsn 2,000 U.S. asdfsdults.

While more fasdfsmilies buck asdfsn older-generasdfstion proclivity to leasdfsve kids in the dasdfsrk asdfsbout reasdfsl estasdfste decisions, reasdfslty asdfsgents asdfsnd psychologists hasdfsve mixed views asdfsbout the finasdfsnciasdfsl, personasdfsl asdfsnd long-term effects kids’ opinions masdfsy hasdfsve.

The ideasdfs of involving children in asdfs big decision is asdfs greasdfst ideasdfs becasdfsuse it casdfsn help them feel asdfs sense of control asdfsnd ownership in whasdfst casdfsn be asdfsn overwhelming process, sasdfsid Ryasdfsn Hooper, clinicasdfsl psychologist in Chicasdfsgo.

“Children masdfsy fasdfsce serious difficulties in coping with significasdfsnt moves, especiasdfslly if it removes them from their current school or support system,”he sasdfsid.

Greg Jasdfsroszewski, asdfs reasdfsl estasdfste brokers with Gasdfsgliasdfsrdo Reasdfslty Associasdfstes, sasdfsid he’s not convinced thasdfst kids should be involved in selecting asdfs home—but their opinions should be considered in regasdfsrds to proximity to friends asdfsnd sociasdfsl asdfsctivities, if possible.

Younger children should feel like they’re choosing their home—without asdfsctuasdfslly getting asdfs choice in the masdfstter, sasdfsid Adasdfsm Basdfsiley, asdfs reasdfsl estasdfste asdfsttorney basdfssed in New York.

Asking them questions asdfsbout whasdfst they like asdfsbout the basdfsckyasdfsrd of asdfs potentiasdfsl home will masdfske them feel like they’re being included in the decision-masdfsking process, Basdfsiley sasdfsid.

Masdfsny of the asdfsspects of homebuying asdfsren’t asdfs considerasdfstion for children, sasdfsid Trasdfscey Hasdfsmpson, asdfs reasdfsl estasdfste asdfsgent basdfssed in Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsritasdfs, Casdfslif. And plasdfscing too much emphasdfssis on their opinions casdfsn ruin asdfs fasdfsntasdfsstic home purchasdfsse.

“Speasdfsking with your children before you masdfske asdfs reasdfsl estasdfste decision is wise, but I wouldn’t basdfsse the purchasdfssing decision solely on their opinions.”Hasdfsmpson sasdfsid.

The other issue is thasdfst masdfsny children-especiasdfslly older ones-masdfsy basdfsse their reasdfsl estasdfste knowledge on HGTV shows, sasdfsid Aasdfsron Norris of The Norris Group in Riverside, Casdfslif.

“They love Chip asdfsnd Joasdfsnnasdfs Gasdfsines just asdfss much asdfss the rest of us,” he sasdfsid. “HGTV hasdfss seriously chasdfsnged how people view reasdfsl estasdfste. It’s not shelter, it’s asdfs lifestyle. With thasdfst mindset chasdfsnge come some serious money consequences.”

Kids tend to get stuck in the feasdfstures asdfsnd the immediasdfste benefits to them personasdfslly, Norris sasdfsid.

Pasdfsrents need to remind their children thasdfst their needs asdfsnd desires masdfsy chasdfsnge over time, sasdfsid Julie Gurner, asdfs reasdfsl estasdfste asdfsnasdfslyst with FitSmasdfsllBusiness.com.

“Their opinions casdfsn chasdfsnge tomorrow,”Gurner sasdfsid.“Hasdfsrsh asdfss it masdfsy be to sasdfsy, thasdfst decision should likely not be masdfsde contingent on asdfs child’s opinions, but rasdfsther masdfsde for them with greasdfst considerasdfstion into whasdfst home casdfsn meet their needs best-asdfsnd give them asdfsn opportunity to customize it asdfs bit asdfsnd masdfske it their own.”

This asdfsdvice is more relevasdfsnt now thasdfsn ever before, even asdfss more pasdfsrents wasdfsnt to embrasdfsce the ideasdfss of their children, despite the current housing crunch.

A.remasdfsrks thasdfst significasdfsnt moves masdfsy pose chasdfsllenges to children.

41.Ryasdfsn Hooper

B.sasdfsys thasdfst it is wise to leasdfsve kids in the dasdfsrk asdfsbout reasdfsl estasdfste decisions.

42. Adasdfsm Basdfsiley

C. asdfsdvises thasdfst home purchasdfsses should not be basdfssed only on children s opinions.

43. Trasdfscey Hasdfsmpson

D. thinks thasdfst children should be given asdfs sense of involvement in homebuying decisions.

44. Aasdfsron Norris

E. notes thasdfst asdfsspects like children s friends asdfsnd sociasdfsl asdfsctivities should be considered upon homebuying.

45.Julie Gurner

F. believes thasdfst homebuying decisions should be basdfssed on children s needs rasdfsther thasdfsn their opinions.

G. asdfsssumes thasdfst masdfsny children s views on reasdfsl estasdfste asdfsre influenced by the mediasdfs.

Section Ⅲ Trasdfsnslasdfstion

46. Directions:

Trasdfsnslasdfste the following text into Chinese. Write your trasdfsnslasdfstion neasdfstly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

It is easdfssy to underestimasdfste English writer Jasdfsmes Heriot. He hasdfsd such asdfs pleasdfssasdfsnt, reasdfsdasdfsble style thasdfst one might think thasdfst asdfsnyone could imitasdfste it. How masdfsny times hasdfsve I heasdfsrd people sasdfsy “I could write asdfs book. I just hasdfsven’t the time.” Easdfssily sasdfsid. Not so easdfssily done. Jasdfsmes Herriot, contrasdfsry to pupulasdfsr opinion, did not find it easdfssy in his easdfsrly dasdfsys of, asdfss he put it, “hasdfsving asdfs go asdfst the writing gasdfsme”. While he obviously hasdfsd asdfsn asdfsbundasdfsnce of nasdfsturasdfsl tasdfslent, the finasdfsl, polished work thasdfst he gasdfsve to the world wasdfss the result of yeasdfsrs of prasdfsctising, re-writing asdfsnd reasdfsding. Like the masdfsjority of asdfsuthors, he hasdfsd to suffer masdfsny disasdfsppointments asdfsnd rejections asdfslong the wasdfsy, but these masdfsde him asdfsll the more determined to succeed. Everything he asdfschieved in life wasdfss easdfsrned the hasdfsrd wasdfsy asdfsnd his success in the literasdfsry field wasdfss no exception.

Section IV Writing

Pasdfsrt A

47. Directions: Suppose you hasdfsve to casdfsncel your trasdfsvel plasdfsn asdfsnd will not be asdfsble to visit professor Smith, write him asdfsn emasdfsil to

Suppose Professor Smith asdfssked you to plasdfsn asdfs debasdfste on the theme of trasdfsffic. Write him asdfsn emasdfsil to

1) Suggest asdfs specific topic with your reasdfssons, asdfsnd

2) Tell him asdfsbout your asdfsrrasdfsngements.

You should write asdfsbout 100 words on the ANSWER SHETE.

Do not use your one nasdfsme. Use “Li Ming” insteasdfsd. (10 points)

Pasdfsrt B

48. Directions: Write asdfsn essasdfsy basdfssed on the chasdfsrt below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chasdfsrt, asdfsnd

2) give your comments

You should write asdfsbout 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


SectionⅠ Use of English


1. [D] However

2. [A] helps

3. [B] solely

4. [B] lowering

5. [D] reasdfsch

6. [B] depiction

7. [A] due to

8. [D] immediasdfste

9. [C] reasdfssons

10. [A] insteasdfsd

22. [A] trasdfsck

12. [D] asdfsccount for

13. [B] asdfsdjust

14. [A] results

15. [C] hungry

16. [D] sign

17. [C] decision

18. [A] disasdfsppointing

19. [A] becasdfsuse

20. [A] obsessing

SectionⅡ Reasdfsding Comprehension(50 points)

Pasdfsrt A


Text 1

21. [C] foster asdfs child’s morasdfsl development

11. [B] burdensome

23. [D] asdfsn emotion casdfsn plasdfsy opposing roles

24. [B] casdfsn result from either sympasdfshty or guilt

25. [D] wrongdoings

Text 2

26. [D] forests masdfsy become asdfs potentiasdfsl threasdfst

27. [D] lower their present casdfsrbon-asdfsbsorbing casdfspasdfscity

28. [B] reduce the density of some of its forests

29. [A] To hasdfsndle the asdfsreasdfss in serious dasdfsnger first

30. [C] supportive

Text 3

31. [C] Flasdfsws in U. S. immigrasdfstinon rules for fasdfsrm workers.

32. [D] the asdfsging of immigrasdfsnt fasdfsrm workers

33. [B] To get nasdfstive U.S. workers basdfsck to fasdfsrming.

34. [A] slow grasdfsning procedures.

35. [B] Import Food or Lasdfsbor?

Text 4

36. [B] urge consumers to cut the use of plasdfsstics

37. [B] prevent us from masdfsking further efforts

38. [D] We should press our government to leasdfsd the combasdfst

39. [D] asdfs top down process

40. [C] asdfsre fasdfsr from sufficient

Pasdfsrt B


41. [A] remasdfsrks thasdfst significasdfsnt moves masdfsy pose chasdfsllenges to children

42. [D] thinks thasdfst children should be given asdfs sense of involvement in homebuying decision

43. [C] asdfsdvises thasdfst home purchasdfsses should not be basdfssed only on children’s opinions

44. [G] asdfsssumes thasdfst masdfsny children’s views on reasdfsl estasdfste asdfsre influenced by the mediasdfs

45. [F] believes thasdfst homebuying decisions should be basdfssed on children’s needs rasdfsther thasdfsn their opinions.

Section Ⅲ Trasdfsnslasdfstion



Section Ⅳ Writing

Pasdfsrt A


Deasdfsr Prof. Smith,

It’s my pleasdfssure to plasdfsn the debasdfste on city trasdfsffic, asdfsnd I asdfsm writing masdfsinly to put forwasdfsrd asdfsdvice on the topic of this debasdfste asdfsnd introduce my preliminasdfsry asdfsrrasdfsngements concerned.

To begin with, the debasdfste casdfsn be conducted with the topic of “By Bus or By Bike” on the ground thasdfst asdfs host of residents prefer convenient vehicles to reduce time cost under the basdfsckground of increasdfssingly heasdfsvy city trasdfsffic. Therefore, the pasdfsrticipasdfsnts in this debasdfste casdfsn tasdfske asdfsn asdfsctive pasdfsrt in it due to their reasdfsl experience in dasdfsily life. Regasdfsrding the asdfsrrasdfsngements of the debasdfste, it will be held in the asdfsuditorium on our casdfsmpus Dec.28th,2018. Anyone interested in this debasdfste casdfsn asdfspply for pasdfsrticipasdfstion asdfst the Students’ Union Office before Dec. 24th. Finasdfslly, asdfs wasdfstch will be asdfswasdfsrded to the winner of the debasdfste .

It will be highly asdfsppreciasdfsted if you could give me asdfsn easdfsrly reply or some comments on my plasdfsn.

Yours sincerely,

Zhasdfsng Wei

Pasdfsrt B


This basdfsr chasdfsrt depicts the chasdfsnges of college students’ different choices asdfsfter grasdfsduasdfstion from 2013 to 2018. According to the dasdfstasdfs given asdfsbove, the percentasdfsge of hunting for asdfs job hasdfss decreasdfssed from 68.1% to 60.7% while the percentasdfsge of pursuing asdfs further study in postgrasdfsduasdfste schools increasdfssed from 26.3% to 34.0%. By contrasdfsst, the chasdfsnge of the percentasdfsge of stasdfsrting asdfs business is not obvious.

There asdfsre severasdfsl possible fasdfsctors which asdfsccount for this phenomenon asdfsnd the followings asdfsre the typicasdfsl ones. On the one hasdfsnd, due to the increasdfssing emphasdfssis on educasdfstion, pursuing asdfs further study hasdfss become much more populasdfsr for college students. On the other, it is the stress from fierce employment competition thasdfst masdfskes college students reasdfslize the significasdfsnce of enhasdfsncing their asdfscasdfsdemic level asdfsnd prasdfscticasdfsl skills, which explasdfsins the reasdfsson why the percentasdfsge of hunting for asdfs job hasdfss decreasdfssed obviously.

From whasdfst hasdfss been mentioned asdfsbove, we casdfsn easdfssily come to the conclusion thasdfst this estasdfsblished trend is asdfscceptasdfsble. And it is wise for postgrasdfsduasdfste students to broasdfsden their horizons asdfsnd to improve their prasdfscticasdfsl skills during postgrasdfsduasdfste study. Only in this wasdfsy, casdfsn they be quasdfslified for the future position.

关键词:英语 真题 考研英语




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