沈阳市世博外语培训学校是经教委批准办学的1家正规办学机构,学校始建于2001年,是1所国际化大型外语学校。我们始终坚持“最优的环境,最佳的价格,最好的服务,最终的成绩,赢得您最后的满意”为办学宗旨,以教学质量求生存,促发展,以诚招生,以信育人,1切为学员着想,在社会上产生了很深远的影响。迄今为止,世博外语学校先后在沈阳市各区开设了7所分校,开设了英语、日语、韩语、法语、德语等多个语种,在社会上树立了良好的口碑。在目前名目繁多的培训学校中,世博外语学校以国际化的办学模式、高素质的教师队伍、优秀的培训设置、积极良好的社会信誉走在同行前列!Sunbo foreign language school is a formal training institute approved by the Education mittee, and established in 2001.Sunbo has bee an international large-scale foreign language school, bining training and educational programs. Sunbo persists in providing the best environment with the best price, the best service in order to obtain customer satisfaction. Currently Sunbo consists of seven branches in the districts of Shenyang, offering allarrays of foreign languages such as: English, Japanese, Korean, French, German and so on.Sunbo has been recognized as one of the furthest-reaching prestigious schools in the munity, pacing at the forefront of peer with internationalized institute mode, high-qualityteachers, excellent training program, and positive social credibility among many training institutes.世博外语7所分校简介——各分校地�【文化路分校】 地址:青年大街300号,沈阳电视台南侧。【市府分校】 地址:市府大路,麦当劳市府店西侧。【铁西分校】 地址:兴华南街东北大药房对面。【小南分校】 地址:南顺城路35号,市环保局对面。【皇姑分校】 地址:北陵大街32号,辽宁中医对面。【和平分校】 地址:南京南街69号,新华广场南100米。【南塔分校】 地址:文化东路87号,黄金学院西侧100米。