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更新: 2016-06-27 17:45:08 | 就上学 | 关注: 

类型:办公应用    城市:昆明    指数:8星




爱因森科技专修学院简介爱因森专修学院成立于1999年6月,是云南爱因森教育投资集团旗下专业的IT培训、会计培训及成人学历教育为1体的多元化综合职业教育培训机构。学院现有教学场地22600㎡,教学电脑5000余台,金牌讲师及教职工300余人,在校学生20000余人。下设2年制校区、国际认证教育中心以及国贸总校区等16个职业培训校区遍布昆明主城区。 作为云南IT职业教育的开创者与领导者,建院12年来,学院累计为西南地区输送各类IT技能人才20余万人,为云南信息产业的发展贡献了超过80%的IT专家,“学电脑到爱因森”成为云岭大地家喻户晓、有口皆碑的知名品牌。学院不断开展国际合作,引进国外先进教育资源,先后与美国微软、Adobe、Autodesk、思科、华为、因特尔、IBM等跨国IT机构建立合作关系,开展160多项国际、国内权威职业资格认证,持续引领IT职业教育发展方向。 学院秉承“以父母之心育人、帮助学生成功”的教育理念,立足国情积极借鉴世界职业教育强国德国的先进经验,独创“0N-J0B项目驱动”教学法,率先在国内开展“职商”(CQ职业智商)教育,以“上学即上班、毕业就工作”指导具有丰富实战经验的双师型教师团队开展教学,形成了“技能+经验+学历”3位1体的培养模式,着力打造“动手能力强、适应岗位快、职业胜任力强”的实用型人才。 十多年来,我院始终贯彻、落实党中央、国务院对民办教育的政策精神及国务院大力发展职业教育的相关决定,积极探索推动民办教育健康发展的新思路、新方法、新举措,先后获得“云南省首届青年创业省长奖”、“云南诚信教育机构”、“全国十佳教育培训机构”、“中国最具品牌影响力教育机构”、“昆明市公职人员‘3普’教育培训机构”、“云南优秀培训机构”、“云南年度贡献单位” 、“昆明最具美育度教育培训机构”等百余项国家级及省级荣誉。未来,全体爱因森人将继续牢记“自强、卓越、报国”的校训,坚持向社会提供1流的教育服务,尽职尽责为学生提供最大的帮助,并以自己不断丰富的荣誉,成就爱因森百年大学的梦想学校荣誉:2010年荣获:中国民办教育协会“全国十佳教育培训学校”荣誉荣获:云南首届民办教育大奖“优秀培训机构”荣誉荣获:云南信息报“2010年最具影响力教育培训机构”荣誉舒凯龄校长荣获:云南信息报“2010年最具影响力教育培训机构领军人物奖”荣誉我校金牌讲师,副校长林海先生,入选Adobe专家委员会。年爱因森团队荣获云南省首届“青年创业省长奖”。爱创电脑学校荣获“诚信教育机构”荣誉称号。爱因森教育爱创电脑学校荣获“中国十佳教育培训学校”荣誉称号。年2008年 国家劳动和社会保障部批准爱因森成立"国家职业技能鉴定”.The job skill confirming that einsun sets up the "country identifies country Ministry of Labor and Social Security"年2007年 爱因森获“十大兴滇.公益品牌”爱因森获“领袖云南卓越品牌”爱因森获“中国最具品牌影响力教育培训机构”年爱因森获Adobe“05年十佳授权培训中心”Einsun won Adobe "ten best authorized training centre of 2005".爱因森获Adobe“5年精诚合作奖”Einsun won Adobe " Award of sincerely cooperating for five years ".年爱因森获Adobe“05年十佳授权培训中心”Einsun won Adobe "ten best authorized training centre of 2005".爱因森获Adobe“5年精诚合作奖”Einsun won Adobe " Award of sincerely cooperating for five years ".爱因森金牌讲师李飞获Adobe“2005年度十佳优秀教师奖”Gold medal lecturer Li Fei of Einsun won Adobe " Top ten excellent teachers award of the year 2005 ".获得Autodesk授权培训中心(ATC)资格,成为Autodesk大中华区AutoCAD 培训教育中心Autodesk authorized Einsun as a train centre (ATC), so Einsun bee AutoCAD training and educating centre in grand China region.AutoCAD工程师认证考试和初级工程师认证考试认证中心Einsun is the certificating centre of AutoCAD engineer certificate examination and elementary engineer certificate examinationof 2006 ".获云南省信息安全测评认证中心资质培训授权,获“CISM/CISP授权培训证书”Einsun bees a training centre which is authorized by Information Safety and Assessing Centre of Yunnan Province, and it obtains the authorized training certificate of “CISM/CISP ”.蝉联美国微软大中华区业绩排名第1,获微软“2006年度最佳业绩奖”Einsun continues to get the first place in grand China region for Microsoft marketing achievements, so it wins Microsoft " best marketing achievement award”美国CIW授权电脑学校为云南区域培训考试管理中心CIW of America authorizes our school a training and examinating management centre in Yunnan.电脑学校加入中华职业教育社,成为中华职业教育社团体社员 0ur college has bee a member of Vocational Education Agency of China.与NCC(英国国家计算教育中心)签订合作办学协议,获NCC合作办学授牌We signed the cooperation agreement with National puter and Education Centre of United Kingdom, so we are authorized to co-educate with NCC.荣获 “领袖云南”十大卓越品牌”荣誉称号0ur school won the honor of "leader of Yunnan, top ten outstanding brands"荣获“十大兴滇公益品牌”荣誉称号Top Ten Public welfare brands to promote Yunnan.云南爱因森软件职业学院喜获Macromedia 2004全国十佳培训中心Yunnan Einsun Software College was awarded the national Top Ten training center 2004 of Macromedia.云南爱因森软件职业学院喜获Adobe 2004全国十佳培训中心Yunnan Einsun Software College gained the national Top Ten training center 2004 of Adobe.云南爱因森软件职业学院金牌讲师林海先生获得Adobe中国区2004十佳优秀教师The gold medal lecturer of Yunnan Einsun Software College--- Mr. Linhai gained the honor of “The Best Tenth Excellent Teacher”of Adobe in China .云南爱因森软件职业学院金牌讲师林海先生获得Adobe中国区2004教师竞赛第1名The gold medal lecturer of Yunnan Einsun Software College---Linhai gained the first place of Adobe 2004 in teachers’ petition, in China.电脑学校荣获微软大中华区2005年度最佳业绩奖,成为国内最受瞩目的IT教育大学We won the best annual achievement award of Microsoft in 2005 in grand China region. It became the most popular educational college of IT.电脑学校获微软考试量全国第1名0ur college won the first place in the number of Microsoft examination.电脑学校校庆6周年成功举办The ceremony of the sixth anniversaries of our college was held successfully in our college.爱因森总部喜迁新址到立夏路17号安康校区The headquarters of Einsun was moved to Ankang quarter, No. 17 Lixia road, Kunming.启动爱因森大学本科项目The regular college course project was started.爱因森大学奠基仪式在嵩明县隆重举行The corner-stone laying ceremony of college foundation was officially held in Song Ming County,年云南省第1家被美国微软Microsoft授予中国区优秀高级技术教育中心称号的机构The first organization in Yunnan which is given title of advanced excellent center of the technique education to China region by the American Microsoft爱因森国际综合考场年考量考试信誉度跃居西南第1Einsun jumps to the first place in credit in the prehensive test for the amount of annual examination in Southwest China.爱因森被云南省政府评为教学质量办学规模专业技术3项综合测评第1名的计算机学府Einsun is rated the first place among puter institutes prehensively in teaching quality, educational scale and professional technology by Yunn

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