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更新: 2016-06-27 00:46:29 | 就上学 | 关注: 

类型:对外汉语    城市:广州    指数:8星




翰语桥语言培训中心是一家以培养汉语语言能力为主,英、日、西、俄语,广东话为辅的专业语言培训机构。“推广汉语言文化、帮助海内外各界人士提高语言能力”是我们的宗旨;“量身定做语言学习方案,讲求实效”是我们的特色。翰语桥的师资皆来自知名高等师范院校,主修外语专业和对外汉语专业。我们的老师不仅有丰富的教学经验和严谨的教学态度,同时也善于因材施教,根据不同学生的职业、要求、实际语言水平灵活地调整教学方法。除了教授汉语课程外,我们还开设了面向广州及附近城市的日语、英语、俄语及其他小语种课程的培训。我们脚踏实地、不断进取、因材施教,只为促进世界各地语言文化的推广和发展,让每一位学员都能学有所成,让四海一家的同胞们都可以在各地自如沟通,愉快生活。广州市翰语桥中国语培‌‌训中心Hanbridge language Training Centre——Choose Hanbridge, get the advantages.Working time: 8:00am-9:00pm everydayA 0ne-hour free demo class and private introduction can be enjoyed the first time when you e. In order to guarantee the course quality and efficiency, we will arrange experienced teachers to test your level, and remend the most suitable text book for you.Courses Introduction: 课程1/Daily Conversational Chinese: 日常会话汉语2/Business Chinese: 商务汉语3/Short-term Intensive Chinese: 短期强化汉语4/HSK Tutoring: 汉语水平考试5/pany Training: 企业培训6/Children Chinese/English: 儿童汉语&儿童英语7/English/Japanese/Cantonese: 英语&日语&粤语学习8/ Intensive English Training before going abroad: 出国前英语强化训练9/ Minority Languages: 小语种学习 Spanish, Korean, Russian and so on.10/Chinese Traditional Art and Culture: 中国传统艺术文化课程 Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese Kongfu.Courses Modes: 课程形式1/0ne to one: 一对一 We provide customized individual courses to meet different demands of different students with flexible schedules.2/Group class: 班教 Usually 3-6 people for each class. Fixed location and time.3/Home or 0ffice Teaching: 上门教学4/Full-time Intensive study: 全日制学习5/Afternoon class:下午特惠班6/VIP class: VIP班

Courses Introduction: 课程介绍

Main Course主要课程

汉语课 Mandarin Course

Daily Chinese: 日常会话汉语 Business Chinese: 商务汉语

Short-term Intensive Chinese: 短期强化汉语 HSK Tutoring: 汉语水平考试

pany Training: 企业培训 Kids Chinese:少儿汉语

英语课/English Course

日常英语 Daily English 商务英语Business English 雅思考试 IELTS

托福考试T0FEL 企业培训 Corporate Training 少儿英语班(中教和外教课程)

出国英语培训Abroad English 出国留学英语 :English For 0versea study

出国旅游英语Travel Abroad 英检课程

0ther Course 其他课程

Japanese日语 Cantonese:广东话课程 韩语课程 Corean

Minority Languages: 小语种学习 Spanish, Korean, Russian and so on.

Chinese Traditional Art and Culture: 中国传统艺术文化课程 Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting; Chinese Kongfu;Paper-cut

Courses Modes: 课程形式

1. 0ne on one: 一对一

2. Group class: 2-6人班教

3. Home or 0ffice Teaching: 上门教学

4. Full-time Intensive study: 全日制学习

5. Afternoon class:下午特惠班

6. VIP class: VIP班

1.Private: depends on you.私教:时间可以自定。
2.Two students class: depends on you and your classmate.一对二:时间可以两人协调。
3. Group class: depends on the group, most popular schedule is like on Monday Wednesday and Fridayor Tueday,Thursday 8-10am,10-12am,1-3pm,3-5pm,5-7pm,7-9pm.班教:根据班教的人员的情况协调,比较多人选择的是周一,三,五或者二,四的的8-10am,10-12am,1-3pm,3-5pm,7-9pm。

When the student finishes course, he will be awarded our certificate of learning Chinese. And we will suggest and assist him to HSK Chinese exam to get the certificate which awarded by Chinese Education Bureau.

Why us? 我们的优势

Hanbridge language training centre is mainly engaged in all-level Chinese training, as well as English, Japanese, Cantonese, minority languages and Chinese art and culture learning. We focus on the students’ interest, needs, preferences and feedbacks so that we can keep providing the best class for each student.

-Effective and efficient teaching.

-Experienced and professional teachers in Teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL).

-All year available classes from total beginner to Advanced.

-More than 15 types of courses to choose.

-Super location in Guangzhou, three minutes’ walk from subway station.

-Abundant after-class activities to be held each month.

- High quality with petitive price.




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