广州市风华餐饮旅游职业培训学校(简称风华学校)是由广州市政府劳动管理部门批准成立的民办职业技能培训机构,办学许可证(粤)劳社证号,注册资金50万元人民币,是省内1所规模宏大,设备先进,功能最齐全的职业培训学校。校园设在天河区员村文化宫内,校内环境优雅,鸟语花香,各类文艺体育设施完善,吃住玩各项设施配套齐全。培训设备全部按目前最先进的宾馆酒楼进行配置,功能设备齐全多样化,务求令学员了解现代饮食设备的使用和操作。各专业学习条件优越,师资力量雄厚。所开设的专业全部以市场为先导,就业门路广、市场需求大,务必使每个学员都学有所用,毕业后能马上找到合适的工作。学员经培训、技能鉴定成绩合格,由省、市劳动部门颁发的《职业资格证书》全国通用,开业、就业、办理出国公证有效,欢迎社会各阶层人士前来咨询、报名学习,欢迎各宾馆、酒店、餐厅中、高层管理人员前来深造充电,考取《职业资格证书》或开展代培和联合办学、招聘等业务,我校全体员工将热情为阁下提供优质服务!Wele to fenghua schoolBrief introduction of the schoolGuangzhou Fenghua Restaurant and Tour School was establish in 1990 and approved by Guangzhou Labour Bureau, it is a large scale profession training school with the best quality equipment and function in Guangdong province. The school consists of a faculty of 23 experienced professional teachers, of whom 6 are high-rank technicians, 17 are normal technicians. All of them are renowned in their special field, such as national model worker, WeiYan Long (western-style cooking technician) and national excellent technician, Liqing Xu(Chinese-style baking high rank techincian) and famous western-style snack and cake technican, Guoxiong Li et al. The main campus is located at the culture center of Yuanchun, Tianhe district of Guangzhou , Many raining projects, such as Chinese-style cooking, western-style cooking, Chinese-style baking, western-style baking, mixology, restaurant and room service, tea art, nutrition prescription, public nutrition etc., are sponsored. The main purpose of the school is to train the in-service personel, the people out of work, the people who changed from rural residents to urban residents, and fresh graduate and people in society. Last year, around 5000 people were trained in the school, with a good social effect due to the high quality of the education. The school also holds secondary and tertiary academic education, for which the campuses are located in Beijingnan street inYuexiu district, and Tonghe street in Tianhe district, respectively. The number of academic students in school now is 650 for secondary education and 300 for tertiary education.