Prestigious English Preparatory School is a target specific prehensive series of prestigious preparation. The skill building exercises prepare young learners to use English for life with Native English Speakers. The series has been developed for ESL, EAP, T0EFL, IELTS and SAT learners. It follows a topic related approach so that learners are well informed of key topics so that they can municate effectively by the end of each unit. 0ver the 30 hours, learners follow a clear and transparent structure to make learning and reviewing topics straight forward and enjoyable.威培英语为高端留学群体提供由外教领衔的留学考试培训以及留学咨询服务。课程体系由英语世界第三古老的大学——圣安德鲁斯大学开发,让中国学生可以体验来自英美国家的外教提供的颠覆性托福,雅思,SAT培训。不同于国内常用的填鸭式教学,威培英语小班课程全程基于话题(topic orientated),以及苏格拉底问询法(Socrates Dialogue),在数十小时的过程里面根据我们自主开发的课程体系使得学生可以最终在轻松愉快的环境中获得托福等留学考试的高分,同时在留学申请上获得资深外教的指导,并且在心理上和知识上为海外留学做好充分准备。