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更新: 2016-06-26 19:03:29 | 就上学 | 关注: 

类型:对外汉语    城市:上海    指数:8星




莎莎汉语是上海1家专业从事汉语培训的中文学校。我们主要为那些专注于高质量,高效率的学员提供实用汉语课程,商务汉语课程,进阶汉语课程和常用汉字课程。近年来为了满足学员日益增长的需求,我们也提供HSK培训课程。莎莎汉语与其他中文培训学校的主要区别在于,我们只专注于提供最高效的汉语学习解决方案。创始人莎莎,有8年汉语培训经验,莎莎曾为来自世界各地的5百强企业CE0、政府高官、社会名流等上百余位学员授课。莎莎根据多年汉语培训经验,发现记忆单词1直都是学习中文必会遇到的难题,为了能够帮助汉语学习者更好地解决这1难题,莎莎与她的团队开创了1套独特的“超级大脑”教学方法。该方法不但可以让学员对汉语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,而且能够让学员在轻松自然的环境中记住单词,并在短期内迅速提高词汇量。现在莎莎汉语正在研发1款汉语学习应用软件,该软件将在2013年初与广大汉语学习者见面。ShashaMandarin is a Mandarin training school in Shanghai which provides courses for practical, business, advanced, and Chinese characters for students who are seeking a high quality, efficient and effective learning experience. We also offer the HSK Preparation course to match the increasing needs of the HSK test.The main difference between ShashaMandarin and other Mandarin schools is that we only concentrate on offering the most efficient Chinese learning solutions for Chinese learners. ShashaMandarin has eight years of Chinese training experience and has taught thousands of students, including CE0s of Fortune 500 cpanies, Consulate Generals of governments and celebrities.After many years of Chinese training experience, we discovered that remembering words is the hardest part of learning Mandarin for Chinese learners. In order to help learners to solve this problem, ShashaMandarin created a special method of Chinese teaching called "Super Brain". This method can not only further stimulate the interest in learning Chinese, but also can enable learners to remember words in a relaxing and nature way. Chinese learners can increase their vocabulary in a short time.Right now ShashaMandarin is developing a Chinese learning application which will be on the market by the beginning of 2013. Hope it will help you to learn Chinese.




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