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更新: 2016-06-26 01:55:14 | 就上学 | 关注: 

类型:模特    城市:北京    指数:8星




由东方宾利文化发展中心创建,以天津工业大学为依托,联合上海东华大学、苏州大学、吉林艺术学院、四川师范大学、武汉纺织大学、西安美术学院等高等院校强强联手形成短期培训、职业高中、大学本科、市场推广四位一体的文化教育与职业模特同步发展模式,共同打造模特时尚文化产业实训基地。背景实力 Backgrounds 中心旗下现拥有国内最多的一线名模资源,其中中国首席名模莫万丹、康俊龙、单靖雅,中国十佳名模赵晨池、王慧、王诗文、王玉、米露等将成为培训中心强大的后援力量。东方宾利每年承办国内最权威、最专业的模特赛事,从中选拔人才、推出名模。其中包括“ 中国职业模特选拔大赛”、“中国模特之星大赛”、“中国超级模特大赛”、“亚洲超级模特大赛”、“美少女中国模特大赛”和“中国内衣模特大赛”等。培训中心所属模特学员将优先参加大赛,搭载通往实现梦想的直通车。 培养方向Objectives本着为社会培养、输送既有良好专业素质又有深厚文化修养的高水平的专业人才服务于社会的原则,培训中心分别设立了: 职业模特技能培训——培养职业模特人才,成绩优异者将被优先推荐参加国内外权威模特赛事、优先签约东方宾利、推荐签约国内外知名专业模特公司、优先安排专业演出。 模特专业考前培训——设立模特表演班、模特经纪管理及时尚编导班、形象设计班等,直接推荐天津工业大学、北京服装学院、北京舞蹈学院、上海东华大学等国内重点院校相关专业。 职业模特赛前培训——教授比赛技巧,优先推荐参加东方宾利承办的比赛和其它国内外权威模特赛事,总决赛前三名有资格签约东方宾利。 巴黎考察实训班——在国际时尚之都巴黎直接接受培训,考察国际知名模特公司及国际时装秀场,推荐外模公司。 China Bentley Culture Development Co.,Ltd has the most super models sources in China, which including Mo Wandan,Kang Junlong, Shan Jingya, the top ten models,Zhao Chenchi, Wang Hui,Wang Shiwen, Wang Yu, Mi and Mi Lu and so on who will become the most strongest support forces of training center. Every year,China Bentley undertakes the most authoritative and professional competitions and then to choose and promote the talents and super models,which also including China Professional Models Contest, China Model Star Contest, China Super Model Contest,Asian Super Model Contest, Charming Girl China Model Contest and China Underwear Model Contest.etc. The students of training center will get the priority to participate in the contest, in order that to get on the shuttle bus which lead the way to their dreams. Professional models skill training——to raise professional model talents, the excellent students will be recommended to participate in model competitions from home and abroad,to sign in China Bentley,to recommended to the model agency from domestic and overseas, meanwhile, to arrange the professional performance in preference. Model pre-examination training——to set model acting classes,model broker management, fashion choreography classes,image design classes and so on.Meanwhile,directly recommended to Tianjin Polytechnic University,Beijing Institute of clothing technology, Beijing Dance Academy,Shang Hai Dong Hua University and also other national top universities Pre-competition training for professional models——to teach skills of competition, and priority for participating in competitions which undertaken by China Bentley and other overseas authoritative model competitions,moreover,the first three winners will be qualified to sign in China Bentley. Paris training course class——to accept training courses in international fashion city—Paris,to visit international models agencies and international shows and recommend to the foreign model agencies.




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