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更新: 2016-06-26 01:54:10 | 就上学 | 关注: 

类型:语言培训    城市:北京    指数:8星




久安学校是一所专门从事团体语言培训的学校,我们致力于外企、国企、国家部委、酒店以及其它各类社团提供语言培训服务。至今我校已培训了上百个班级,数千名学员。久安学校将为客户提供专业的培训服务,语种包括英、日、法、俄、德等。我们提倡标准而又实用的外语交流,根据学员的水平和要求,提供不同级别课程设计。我们提供不同内容的课程,如:日常英语、日语、法语、俄语、德语,商务英语、各种语言写作,以及法律、金融、商业、媒体等领域的专业英语。 我校建立了严格的教师筛选和评估系统以确保为客户提供优质的服务。40多位外教和10位中教将为您设计的个性课程提供保证,以提高学员的语言水平,加强他们在国际商业环境的竞争能力。

As an International English Educational Institute specializing in Corporate English Training, we focus on providing Language training for corporations/ state ministries/hotels, and for other various functions. We achieved success through our program and now we have hundreds of classes and thousands of students all around Beijing. Jiuan Institute is professionally engaged in the following commitments:

We advocate standard and functionalforeign languages communication, and provide quality curriculum of different levels based on the different requirements of the students.

We provide classes with different concentrations, such as everyday English/Japanese/French/Russian/Germany, Business English, different languages writing, and vocational English in the fields of law, commerce, finance, media, etc.

The institute establishes a strict selection and evaluation system for our teachers in order to ensure the best professional service, and we provide more than 40 professional native teachers and 10 local language teachers committed to the customized corporate English training courses specially designed to improve each student’s proficiency and to strengthen his or her competence in an international business environment.




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